Sunday, November 1, 2015

Missions Is Truly A Community Effort

Your gift of $72 a month
buys this:

A missionary.

A man of integrity.
A good airplane mechanic
who has a clean track record
of 15 years of keeping airplanes
up in the air,
working flawlessly and safely.

A man of God.
One who has loved
and served God for 28 years.
A faithful man.
A man who has taught his children
and worked hard everyday
to provide.
A kind man who never
raises his voice
or threatens another.

A man of commitment.
Married for 19 years
and going on 20.
He fought for his marriage
and didn't give up
when times were tough.
He did all he could
and then some.
And His marriage is good!

A man who will maintain
the three aircraft in a land
of great need
for Christ, His love,
goodness and generosity.

A man who will share his skill
with several men from that country
who are awaiting him.
A man of patience to teach skills
and impart through modeling
of Christ's life and teaching.

A man who will lead through
quiet strength
and never through selfish ambition.

And the gospel will spread
on the wings of love
in Haiti.

The church of the Living God
has already been purchased
by Christ's blood.
He has redeemed the people of Haiti!
Let the islands rejoice.

One hundred people
giving $72 a month -
a community.
Can a city be built in one day?
Can an ocean be parted
and allow thousands to pass through?
Can a sun stand still for a day?
Can Goliath be killed
with a sling and a stone?
Can a nation turn to God
and in Him be known?

A missionary.
A man.
Filled with God.

"Not unto us, O Lord,
not unto us,
but to Your name give glory,
because of Your mercy,
because of Your truth.

O Israel (Haiti), trust in the Lord;
He is their (your) help
and their (your) shield."
~Psalm 115:1, 9